


Sunday 25 May 2014

Weekend . X-Men .

Week 1 of internship is finally down, and now Saturday is officially my favourite day of the week. Because of internship, I can only get to meet boyfriend only on Friday night. But that’s okay; at least we get to utilize our Friday night and Saturday fully. Work starts at 8am, so I have to wake up around 6am every morning, by the time work ends, I would be too tired to do nothing but to just laze around.
So last Friday after work ended, I flew down to city hall immediately to meet boyfriend. (sounds a bit exaggerating) You know you miss that person when you can’t wait to see them as soon as possible. Finally met him, and we waited for Wilson to arrive before we headed for dinner! Dinner at Suki-ya and it has been a long time since I last had steamboat buffet. Given the amount that I have eaten, this is one of the first few times that I didn’t feel like vomiting. Nonetheless, dinner was fulfilling.

Because we slept late on that night, we only managed to wake up near noon on the next time. One of the few days that I just want to nua and be in bed but at the same time, I didn’t want to waste away my rest day. After much hesitation, we finally make our way out to catch X-Men and I don’t know what’s with our huge appetite. We had so much food just that afternoon. From lunch to Mcdonalds, followed by J-Co donuts. There were so many other things that we wanted to have but we decided that our stomach would not be able to hold that much food.

Time passed way too fast when we are enjoying ourselves. By the time the movie ended, it was already near 8. Though the day was short, and it seems like there was nothing much done, but I’m still very happy. Having someone to spend time with, doing all the things you want to on your free day is a blessing. Though it has been a tough week for both of us, the weekend is definitely one of the best ways to make it better. No matter how tough the week has been, hang on there! It will be over soon! I always have great faith in you! And thanks for always having faith in me too! <3
Our all-time favourite! 

Sillyboy too cute!

And because my face looks pretty slim here!

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